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POW Camps in North Dakota |
This list of Prisoner of War Camps, Italian Service Unit Camps, and Prisoner of War Hospitals is based on weekly reports located on NARA microfilm #66-538 (population lists June 1942-June 1946). Additional locations based on newspapers, interviews, and other NARA records (at College Park and Regional Archives).
The POW Camps in North Dakota during World War II included:
Enemy alien internment camp:
Lincoln (Fort), Bismarck, Burleigh County, ND (German, Italian, and Japanese)
There were 3 branch camps, and 1 internment location in ND. More information in my latest book titled Prisoner of War Camps Across America and is available in Kindle format on Amazon and in Nook format on Barnes and Noble.
For more information about these camps, please see:
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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 2003-2020