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This list of Prisoner of War Camps, Italian Service Unit Camps, and Prisoner of War Hospitals is still being developed with new locations added as we work through the weekly reports located on NARA microfilm #66-538 (population lists June 1942-June 1946).
Additional information on POWs from Camp Douglas, WY are courtesy of Betty Alberts.
The POW Camps in Wyoming during World War II included:
Basin, Big Horn County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Beaver Creek, Teton County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Centennial, Albany County, WY (branch camp under Greeley, CO)
Clearmont, Sheridan County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Deaver, Big Horn County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Douglas (Camp), Douglas, Converse County, WY (base camp), across the river from Wyoming State Fairgrounds
Douglas #2, Douglas, Converse County, WY (branch camp under Scottsbluff, NE). The one photo located shows a tent camp with no buildings visible.
Dubois, Fremont County, WY (branch camp under Scottsbluff, NE)
Esterbrook, Converse County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Huntley, Goshen County, WY (branch camp under Scottsbluff, NE)
Lingle, Goshen County, WY (branch camp under Scottsbluff, NE)
Lovell, Big Horn County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Pine Bluffs, Laramie County, WY (branch camp under Scottsbluff, NE)
Powell, Park County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Regional Hospital, WY (probably Fort Warren)
Riverton, Fremont County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Ryan Park, Saratoga, Carbon County, WY (branch camp under Greeley, CO)
Torrington, Goshen County, WY (branch camp under Scottsbluff, NE)
Veteran, Goshen County, WY (branch camp under Scottsbluff, NE)
Warren (Fort Francis E.)Warren (Fort Francis E.), Cheyenne, Laramie County, WY (base camp), now Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, an active military installation
Wheatland, Platte county, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Wind River, Fremont County, WY (branch camp under Scottsbluff, NE)
Worland, Washakie County, WY (branch camp under Douglas)
Enemy alien internment camp:
Heart Mountain, Park County, WY (Japanese)
Camp Douglas Cemetery, Camp Douglas, WY (6 burials; 2 Italian 4 German, all tranferred to Fort Riley, KS)
Fort Francis E. Warren Post Cemetery, Cheyenne, Laramie County, WY, an active military installation. (1 Italian, 8 Germans)
There were 2 base camps, 20 branch camps, 1 hospital, 1 internment location, and 2 cemeteries in WY. More information in my book titled Prisoner of War Camps Across America and is available in Kindle format on Amazon.
Also available on Amazon is my book, American Prisoner of War Camps in Montana and Wyoming.
For more information about these camps, please see:
Fort Warren Cemetery
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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 2003-2023