Professional Researchers Tracing YOUR Genealogy

World War II Presentations

Polish Military Cemetery at Cassamassima
Italian POW Rosters in US POWs in the US POW Death Index in US WWII
UT POW CD POW Photos in US POW and ISU Camps and Hospitals in US Genealogical Research
ISU Units and Installations in US Cemeteries NARA POW Archives Publications
POW Links Researcher WWII Links POW Research

Kathy speaks locally and internationally on a variety of topics. A complete listing of all presentations and publications can be found at Timeline. Her bio page is at

Her presentations on Holocaust Research include the following:
"Ferramonti Concentration Camp in Italy" Out of the 3823 prisoners, only fifty died. One Hundred Forty-One of these prisoners were Italian, the rest having fled from Europe before capture in Italy, Bengasi (Libya) and Rhodes (Greece). Most of the prisoners were Jewish and were able to observe that religion in the Camp. There were also non-Jewish people from China, France, Greece, and Yugoslavia. The cooperation between the camp staff, prisoners, and the local community enabled this situation in a dark time. Sources and repositories described.

"Diversity of Rescuers of the Shoah, 1933-1945" The diversity of rescuers included people from every walk of life all over the world. This presentation expands from Yad Vashem recognition to include many more documented rescuers. They range from diplomats and heads of state to military units, rescue organizations and individuals. Sources and repositories described.

"Italian Concentration Camps during World War II" The fifty-seven known locations of Concentration and Internment Camps run by Fascists in Italy, more or less in cooperation with the German Nazis are described. They ran a range from death camps to work camps to one camp recently described as the "anti-Auschwitz" camp because of the care given to Jewish prisoners there. Those prisoners were from Germany, Austria, France, Eastern Europe, Greece, Yugoslavia, China, and Italy. Most of the prisoners were Jewish, but also others. Sources and repositories described.

"The Vatican as Shoah Rescuer" Using the published research done in recently opened records of the Vatican, plus witness accounts and other research, this claim is well documented. They provided asylum, false identification, and emigration aid to Jews as well as speaking out against the "murder and mistreatment" of Jews from 1938. Sources and repositories described.

Her presentations on Military Research include the following:
"20th Century Military Burials in the US, Europe, and World-Wide" Burials in military cemeteries include civilians, diplomats, medical personnel, and volunteer aid workers, including women. Not all burials in military cemeteries are military, and not all military burials served the countries maintaining their cemeteries. Most military cemeteries have monuments listing the missing as well as burials of the unknown. Some military burials are in civilian cemeteries. Sources and repositories described.

"20th Century Polish Military Burials and Cemeteries World-Wide" describes the locations of these burials and cemeteries around the world. Includes WWI, the Polish-Soviet War, and WWII. Sources and repositories described.

"Polish Military During WWII" describes the many units of Polish military fighting with the Allies. Some were part of the Polish Government in Exile while some were part of the British Military, French Military, and Soviet Military. Others were conscripted into the Nazi German Army. Still more were immigrants or children of immigrants serving in the military of their new homes. Sources and repositories described.

"Polish Military in the Liberation of Italy from the Nazis" After the German and Soviet Invasions of Poland in 1939, soldiers in the Polish Army and civilians were sent to camps in the USSR. Other Poles were conscripted into the German Army. Polish soldiers served in the armies of Germany, the US, Britain (including Palestine), as well as those freed from the USSR who fought alongside the the Allies to Liberate Italy and in the Mediterranean. Sources and repositories described.

Her presentations on Prisoner of War Research include the following:
"20th Century POW Locations and Records in the US, Europe, and World-Wide" POW camp locations in WWI included the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, plus at least five other countries. Prisoners represented at least 16 nations. POW camp locations in WWII included at least 18 countries. Prisoners represented at least 10 nations. Books by former POWs often list other POWs and some staff. POW records by nation of service can be found in the records of their armies. More research in records of organizations of former POWs, burial indexes, books, museums, national archives, and the Vatican Apostolic Archives.

"20th Century Prisoner of War Locations Across America" Nine WWI POW camps led to 1210 POW WWII camps, hospitals and cemeteries in America, housing over 371,000 Germans, 51,000 Italians, and 5000 Japanese soldiers. They not only gave those prisoners a glimpse of American life, but enabled interaction with Americans leading to friendships and even marriage. These camps were located in every state except Vermont. Sources and repositories described.

Other topics include the following:
"Displaced Persons during WWII, 1943-1969" From Europe to Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and more. They found refuge in camps run by the UN, religious groups, and others aaround the world. Sources and repositories described.

"Enemy Alien Camps Across America" From WWI through WWII, a variety of records reveals the different levels of removal and restriction of Enemy Aliens in the US during wartime. Internees included not only enemy aliens living in the US, but also diplomats of enemy countries and cruise ship crews removed from locations in the US and other countries in South and Central America who sent them to the US. Sources and repositories described.

"The Polish Moses, General Wladyslaw Anders" Transporting the Polish Army from Siberia to Palestine, he started with 70,000 people. Gathering Polish orphans and recruits with families from across USSR, there were 120,000 people upon arrival there, including 5000 Jews. 3000 soldiers left to stay in Palestine while others joined the Polish 2nd Corps to fight in Italy. Sources and repositories described.

Presentations on family history topics are listed at

Follow this link for Kathy's 2025 schedule.

Publications Italy

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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 1997-2025