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Italian Prisoners of War in Utah
During WWII, over 15,000 prisoners of war were sent to Utah (Allan Kent Powell, "Splinters of a Nation: German Prisoners of War in Utah"), out of the over 425,000 prisoners of war in the United States. About 7000 of these men were Italians while about 8000 were Germans.
I've been collecting information on the experiences of these prisoners and the community members who came into contact with them. A non-profit organization called "TRACES of 400,000: Museum, Archive, Culture, Conference and Activities Project" has similar goals concerning all of these WWII Prisoners of War in the US.
I spoke about World War II Italian Prisoners of War in Utah at the second international TRACES ( conference on May 31, 2003. A copy of that presentation is available through
All 33 of the World War II Prisoners of War who died in Utah are buried at Fort Douglas Military Cemetery in Salt Lake City. A list of the 12 Italians follows, along with some of the other POWs held in Utah. Their death certificates can be obtained through
CDs containing the national rosters for Italian Prisoners of War held in the continental US on 31 March 1945 are available through POW CD.
A PowerPoint Presentation on the Prisoners of War in Utah During World War II, complete with over 70 photos is available on CD through Utah POW CD.
A copy of the national roster page containing any one of the below names can be obtained through
Vito Agosta (#81I 38158, soldier in FA, b. 1924 at Trapani (TP)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Carmelo Alvaro (#8WI 7839, sol, inf, b. 1915 in Sinopoli (RC)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Vincenzo Arcuri (#7WI 31364, sol, inf, b. 1923 at Petrona (CZ)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944. He was later at Scottsbluff.
Armando Arfe (#7WI 39790, ten, FA, b. 1918 in Naples) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944. Assigned to Weingard in July 1945.
Corrado Asciutti (b. 1921 at Chiaravalle (AN)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Antonino Bambina (#4WI 11013, sol, inf, b. 1908 at Alcamo (TP)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Luigi Barilaro was born on 15 February 1914 at Fagnano Castello (Cosenza province, Italy) and was married to Azolia Angelina. Died from chronic kidney problems on 30 May 1944 at Bushnell General Hospital, Brigham City, Box Elder County. (UT Death #75) He was imprisoned at Ogden Depot and is buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Ignazio Bonasora (#T-75058) was born on 9 October 1913 at Salemi (Trapani province, Italy) and single. Died when his forklift collided with a freight car on 2 October 1945 at the Station Hospital at Utah ASF Depot at Ogden, Weber County. (UT Death #453) (NARA RG 389, Entry (A1) 467, Box 1513) Buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Cesare Borzacchiello (#4WI 38064, sol, FA, b. 1920 at Cesi) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Michele Brandi (#8WI 30510, sol, QMC, b. 1921 at Bitonto (BA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Riccardo Brovedani (#NAT 28481, sol, inf, b. 1923 at Trieste) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Luigi Canevari (#8WI-28731) died from fall on head when attempting escape by jumping off the train transporting him from Ft. Lawton, WA to Bushnell General Hospital, Brigham City, Box Elder County on 9 July 1944. (NARA RG 389, Entry (A1) 467, Box 1513) Buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Salvatore Cantello was born on 5 August 1918 at an unknown location and was single. Died from chronic kidney problems on 26 February 1945 at Bushnell General Hospital, Brigham City, Box Elder County. (UT Death #22) Buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Gaetano Capasso (#115233, sol, FA, b. 1916 at Frattamaggiore (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giuseppe Capasso (#189380, cp mg, b. 1916 at Adella di Napoli (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Raffaele Capasso (#37978, sol, inf, b. 1920 at Frattamaggiore (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Andrea Cassese (#8WI 27098, sgt, FA, b. 1914 at Napoli (NA)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Eugenio Cataldi (#T 68616, cp AC) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Luigi Cecere (#BR 176180, sol, b. 1918 at Aversa (NA)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Bruno Chelli (#NAT 1411, cp, NAV, b. 1920 at Leghorn) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944. Later in Co. 7 at Monticello.
Mario Ciccarelli (#T 75213, sol, inf, was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Giovanni Cincotta (#7WI-31883) was born on 26 January 1920 at Lipari (Messina province, Italy) and was single. Died from hanging himself on 8 August 1945 at Ogden Arsenal, Ogden, Weber County. (UT Death #365) (NARA RG 389, Entry (A1) 467, Box 1513) Buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Domenico Cocco (#T 337726, sol, CE, b. 1921 at Scafati (SA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Agostino Colucci (#148892, sol, inf, b. 1920 at Crispiano (TA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Luigi Coppola (b. 1921 at Pago (AV)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Filippo Corso was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Franco Costa (b. 1922 at Napoli (TP)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Giuseppe Costante (b. 1914 at San Giovanni Galermo (CT)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Antonio Covajes (b. 1915 at Palermo (PA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Mario Criscuolo was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Gennaro Curci (b. 1921 at Barletta (BA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Pietro Cuttoni was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Luigi D'Alonzo (b. 1922 at Altino (CH)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Damaizzi was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in May 1944.
Salvatore D'Angelo (b. 1924 at Maddaloni (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Nicola D’Augenti was born on 31 May 1922 at Torre a More (Bari province, Italy) and was single. Died from heart attach due to a reaction to surgical anesthesia during circumcision on 27 August 1943 at the Station Hospital at the POW camp at Harrisville, Weber County. (UT Death #428) Nicola D-Augento, 21, Italian prisoner of war, died at the Internment Camp Post Hospital last Friday at 3 p.m. from a heart attack. He had been an internee at the camp since last April. Funeral mass was held at the POW compound at 6:45 am on Saturday (28 Aug) with the entire prison population in formation. Chaplain Frederick H. Chase, Jr., 1st Lt. Chaplain Corps U.S. Army officiating. The body was taken to Fort Douglas for military burial (News of the Week, 3 September 1943, front page, Utah ASF Depot, Ogden, Utah) His headstone shows he was an Apprentice Seaman in the Italian Navy. He had arrived at Ogden Depot in April 1943. He is buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Sabino De Berardinis was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Giovanni De Crescenzo (b. 1916 at Casolla di Caserta (NA)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Domenico De Gregorio (b. 1917 at Palermo (PA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Massimo Dell'Aquila (b. 1914 at Bari (BA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Pasquale De Marco was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Mario, De Miccio (b. 1912 at Barra (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Armando De Simone (b. 1922 at Palermo (PA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giuseppe De Simone (b. 1921 at San Felice a Cancello (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giuseppe Di Gregorio (b. 1921 at Catania (CT)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Angelo Di Paolo was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Giacomo Di Sarno (b. 1920 at Ponticelli (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giovanni D'Onofrio(b. 1920 at Rotondi (AV)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944. The photo below was submitted by Vincent, Orazio, and Janice D'Onofrio, Giovanni's children. The third standing gentlemen from the left is Giovanni.

Michele Duraccio (b. 1917 at San Giuseppe Vesuviano (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Salvatore Falletti (b. 1917 at Taoria Nuova (RC)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Domenico Fasanella (b. 1916 at Cosenza (CS)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Domenico Fasciano (b. 1919 at Canosa (BA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Salvatore Fiore was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Francesco Forte (b. 1920 at Acri (CS)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Bruno Forzellin (#T-70245) was born on 16 December 1920 at Minerbe (Verona Province, Italy) and was single. Died from injuries sustained in an auto accident while AWOL on 9 December 1945 at the Station Hospital at Utah ASF Depot at Ogden, Weber County. (UT Death #104) (NARA RG 389, Entry (A1) 467, Box 1513) Buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Luciano Fuccio (b. 1921 at Lentini (SR)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Eduardo Gambardella was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Joe Giordana was imprisoned at Ogden Depot and returned to Ogden after the war after marrying a girl he met while a POW.
Gennaro Iannello was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Giuseppe Illuminato (b. 1925 at Palmi (RC)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Alfredo Imbriglio was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Sebastiano Indomenico was born on 24 May 1902 at Floridia (Siracusa province, Italy) and was married to Francesca Belmonte. Died from heart problems on 10 June 1944 at Bushnell General Hospital, Brigham City, Box Elder County. (UT Death #83) He was imprisoned at Ogden Depot and is buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Antonio Iorio (b. 1916 at Gallo di Comisiano (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giuseppe LaBella was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Nicola Lacorcia (b. Pedoli di Potenza (PT)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in July 1944.
Fedele Lanza (#89907) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in November 1943.
Luigi Lenoci (b. 1915 at Cerignola (FG)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Nunzio Leone was court martialed at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Adolfo Loberto was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Donato Lombardi was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Salvatore Longo (b. 1913 at Pedara (CT)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Wilson Longo (named for Woodrow Wilson) was born and died in Bellosguardo in Salerno province (1919-2002). He was imprisoned in Utah. His cousin, Barbara Florio provided this information and his photo.
Rosario Lostumbo was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Rizieri Luperi was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Luigi Macri was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Rommaso Maddaloni was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Salvatore Magri was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Michele Marinelli was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Marini gained 54 pounds while imprisoned at Ogden Depot.
Francesco Martino (b. 11 Aug. 1919 at Cartino (FG)) captured in N. Africa by the british in 1941. Transferred to the Amricans in 1943. Was a cook in the Italian Army and as a POW. Imprisoned in TX, OK, NE, CO, SD and Ogden (UT). Joined ISU, enabling him to repatriate early in 1946. Out-processed through Hann (CA) and transported to Hampton Roads (VA) for the ship home. While in VA, he was visited by his brother who had been living in NJ since 1923. Once home, he married and had two children before emigrating to the US in 1956. This information was provided by his daughter, Maria Pisani.
Francesco Martoccia (b. 1923 at Garaguso (MT)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giovanni Martorana (b. 1923 at Tunic (Tunisia)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Gennaro Matarese was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Gaspare Megna (b. 1922 at Tunis (Tunisia)), brother to Nicola, was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Nicola Megna (b. 1924 at Tunis (Tunisia)), brother to Gaspare, was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Angelo Meli was born on 24 April 1922 at Aragona (Agrigento province, Italy) and was single. Died from chronic kidney problems on 4 September 1944 at Bushnell General Hospital, Brigham City, Box Elder County. (UT Death #131) Buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Luigi Meo (b. 1920 at Ponticelli (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Carmine Messina was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Giuseppe Miccoli was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Gene Miconi was imprisoned at Ogden Depot from November 1943 to the summer of 1946. He served in the Italian Army from 1939 at the Italian-French border and was sent to North Africa in 1941. He was captured by Australian soldiers at Tobruck and transferred to English, then American custody. He was imprisoned in Egypt and South Africa before being sent to Ogden. He returned to Ogden after the war after marrying a girl he met while a POW. He established a tile-laying business in Ogden which is still run by his sons.
Giorgio Millitrano was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Domenico Mizzi was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Agostino Montalto was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Antonio Montana was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Antonio Montano was also imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Gedauldo Montaudo was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Domenico Nanfria(b. 1906 at Castelvetrano (TP)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Eugenio Natalizio (b. 1922 at Rente (CS)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Erminio Orfello was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Vincenzo Orlando was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Vincenzo Pace was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Alfonso Panunzio was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Guido Pappalardo (b. 1913 at Pastena (SA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giuseppe Parisi was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Vincenzo Pazzi (#T-70271) was born on 24 August 1921 at Gela (Caltanissetta province, Italy) and was married to Carmelina Pazzi. Died from appendicitis and peritonitis on 28 August 1945 at the Station Hospital at Utah ASF Depot at Ogden, Weber County, (UT Death #395) Buried in Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Giuseppe Petruccelli (b. 1913 at Castel di Sasso (NA)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Giuseppe Piazza was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Antonio Pisano (Captain) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in July 1944.
Domenico Pizzi (b. 1918 at Condufuri (RC)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Pasquale Pratico (b. 1923 at Archi (RC)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Nello Proietti (b. 1921 at Roma (Roma)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Salvatore Puglisi(b. 1914 at Tunis (Tunisia)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Ruggerio Purin was imprisoned at Ogden Depot. He served in the Italian Army and was captured in Tunisia in June 1943. He was imprisoned in a few camps in the US before being sent to Hill Field. He returned to Ogden after the war after marrying a girl he met while a POW.
Francesco Quadrone (b. 1924 at Montfleury (Tunisia)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Francesco Rabbai (#5WI-5695) was born on 24 October 1921 at Canale Monterano (Roma province, Italy) and was single. Died from chronic kidney problems on 26 May 1945 at Bushnell General Hospital, Brigham City, Box Elder County. (UT Death #73) He was a private in the Italian Army. Buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Giuseppe Raffa (b. 1921 at Siracusa (SR)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giuseppe Revelli was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Vincenzo Ricci (b. 1916 at Napoli (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Francesco Ruffino (#T-68254) was born at an unknown date and location and was single. Died from septicemia on 7 June 1945 at Utah ASF Depot, Harrisville, Weber County. (UT Death #255) He was also a private in the Italian Army. Buried in the Italian POW section of the Fort Douglas Military Cemetery.
Carlo Selmi was a member of the ISU band. Photos courtesy of his son Andrea.
Luigi Simeone (b. 1920 at Monte Sarchio (BN)) was imprisoned at Tooele in September 1944.
Ciro Tarallo (b. 1923 at Cremano (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Biagio Tinirello was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in October 1943.
Francesco Trocchia (b. 1920 at San Giuseppe Vesuviano (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Filippo Turone (b. 1913 at Mazzarino (CL)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Michele Valenti (b. 1916 at Tunis (Tunisia)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Vincenzo Verdicchio (b. 1917 at San Felice a Cancello (NA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Giuseppe Zacheria was court martialed at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Domenico Zito (b. 1921 at Noci (BA)) was imprisoned at Ogden Depot in June 1944.
Links to other sites about Prisoners of War in Utah include:
German Prisoners of War in Utah Photos
Italian Prisoners of War in Utah
Italian Prisoners of War in Utah Photos
Italian Service Unit in Utah Photos
Japanese Prisoners of War in Utah
Utah POWs
WW I German Prisoners of War in Utah
WW II German Prisoners of War in Utah
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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 2003-2013