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These are photos from Camp Monticello in Monticello, AR. Photos and descriptions are courtesy of Michael Pomeroy. The property was sold for $1 in 1946 to the University of Arkansas School of Forest Resources.

These contracts and time card were standard issue for work release of POWs at the time. The dance invitation was sent to L.K. Pomeroy, the president of Ozark Badger Lumber Company (grandfather of Michael Pomeroy). The year isn't noted, but it can only be from 1943 since that was the only year the camp was in operation and on which Nov. 30th was also a Saturday. Believed to be the only one left in existence.

First map was hand drawn by Michael Pomeroy, based on the ruins and interviews with locals who worked at the camp. Second map is from the Italian Archives (probably drawn by a POW during World War II).

First photo was taken from one of Michael Pomeroy's annuals (University of Arkansas in Monticello) from the early 1980s. The building in the background is believed to have been used as student housing at that time. Houses identical to it lined that street on the campus a few years earlier. These buildings match the description of the housing from the general's compound at the camp. I believe that those duplexes were moved from the old POW camp to the university campus in Monticello. The Dr. Klein who wrote this letter was a doctor at the camp during the war.

Michael Pomeroy using Google Earth submitted these photos. The first photo is an above view of Camp Monticello. The second photo is a long shot of the camp. The third photo is the General's Compound at the camp.
Links to other sites about Prisoners of War in Arkansas include:
Camp Monticello 2
Camp Monticello 3
POW Camps in Arkansas
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